Sunday, July 15, 2007 W0w. Class bbq was exciting!
photos at the courtesy of sc and mrs lan! http://good-times.webshots.com/album/559882161HnvCEU
Lets thank mr and mrs lan for their graciousness ytd in letting us use their bbq pit!! And yeah, not forgetting the fact that we practically wrecked e entire place. Omg i shudder at the thought of the complaints they will receive.
Yeah! Also must thank mr and mrs lan’s housekeeper! She so nice! Helped us bbq! And I think this time de bbq food is one of e nicest I have ever eaten! Most of e time e food either under or over cooked, this time just nice! Thanks to all who helped to bbq! yeah zj for her fried rice too!
Too bad for auggy! He nv come! If not we can throw him down e pool! Then we all in his cls will fail compre -.- maybe not only compre -.- not tht we wouldn’t fail now la. Ok touch wood.
Thanks to all who came! Miss yang, Kenny, and all of us! And mr and mrs lan’s family members who helped to bbq too. And mr lan’s mum esp. thanks thanks thanks!
Ps. hmm I want to thank indian de father too! Wah he v fair doesn’t look like indian at all! And he v.funny unlike Indian!