Friday, December 14, 2007

here are the photos from PROM DVD:
(credits to qihui)

only 2 with our table one.. out of 23478146112321 -.-

dunno why the effects so bright... looks scary :S

PROM photos frm joke's camera

Thursday, December 06, 2007

joke uploaded photos frm her cam le:

thanks joke!

browse for those with our class one...the others are joke with her other friends.

and dunno why she forgot to upload these few (haha):

PROM photos!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

the only function of this blog seems to be to give the link to photos -.-

i uploaded some PROM photos frm my camera le.

THOSE WHO BROUGHT CAMERAS pls upload yours asap too!
i realised i didnt take alot. cos ran out of batt..