fac cip
Thursday, March 01, 2007 heyo! for those who are going for the fac cip, here are some of the things to take note--
1. report to sch at 1pm on 3/3, outside the auditorium. the entire thing ends at 6pm. some of u have talentime, so most prob will be leaving early.
2. wear sch based top and any bottom.
3. details of cip: teaching them make chinese lantern, putting up performances and strolling with them in the neighbourhood. so far, we've only one performance, which is naichong playing harmoc. we need people to sing songs. volunteers?
4. the Home is Jamiyah Nursing Home, address 130 west coast drive s127444 (just in case anyone wants to know)
for those without CCA or CCA that's not compulsory, pls turn up! all (except osy, vincent, nigel n indian) have signed up, so as part of ur responsiblity, just atttend. it wont eat up much of your time. and pls dont give last minute excuses for not turning up. thank you (: