Monday, March 06, 2006 Hi! Few reminders for the week:
1) do your physics ILP, the egg thing, due term 2
2) do physics kinematics 2-D
3) do maths tutorial 2B
4) do econs the powerpoint slides thingy
5) do upload the photos of the class outing onto this blog
although some have left, but please dun feel sad. as long as u still remember them, it's good enuff.
and the quote of the month is "eunice sucks!" lol. dunno why so popular nowadays, maybe cos she organised the class outing, told us to meet at 11am and came at 3pm herself? lol.
the IT month is over. I dunno which class won the Marche vouchers. It was never announced. so Good Luck Have Fun for the rest of the 2 years.