Class Server IT Compy

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Theme: Vibrant College Life

All students of C1 classes would be involved in the competition.
Date for judging of the class server site would be 27 February 2006.
All classes are to be responsible of the content in their class server site.
Classes which exhibit offensive comments, discuss about indecent topics or use vulgar language will be disqualified from the competition.
Do take note of the copyrights issue of certain sources and give due acknowledgements.
Classes will be scored using a 100 points system for the various criteria.
Decisions of the judges are final. No arguing with judges is allowed. Any class which argues with a judge may be deemed to be using offensive behavior and the class may be disqualified from competition.

1st Prize $250 worth of food vouchers
2nd Prize $150 worth of food vouchers
3rd Prize $100 worth of food vouchers

We are supposed to constantly update and maintain this class server to win.

Login as: HCI\y0xhcixxxx

You have to change your password in school first, as mentioned in the letter handed out to you.